Blog entry 1 minute video

1: Joshua Molme, David Pereria, Arden Salandy, (Gave information about the school during the tour) Sebastian Rodrigez (Cameraman for the tour and info on certain parts of the school)

2: Before we filmed the video we went and looked around the school for points of interest or things that stood out. Then we discussed where we wanted to film and how we would do it. 

3: We used an iPhone 12 pro.

4: We used capcut to edit the video. There weren't really many limitations other than us not being able to crop out certain objects within the video. One of the main benefits of capcut was the fact that it is a free and easily accessible software.

5: I think the video came out fairly nice. If i could change one thing it would be to edit it more than what we did, cleaner transitions, enhanced lighting less muffled sound etc.


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