
Showing posts from April, 2024

Final video Intro The film "We" is about a man stalking his victim who he has been watching for quite some time. Now that he has completed his task who will he go for next? The film was fun to work and edit on as i was the main antagonist. Music used throughout film: Super smashbros brawl Final destination.

Late editing change

 I decided to change the Demeter of the film from that of silly and goofy to more of silly and heroic. The change in music as well as the change in filtering add to that. I struggled as some scenes needed to be cut due to not meeting the criteria of the heroic aspect.

Blog post editing day 1

 On day One I added the extra sound affects that i wanted to use for the video. This helped to add more atmosphere to the film and keep it from being bland and dry. I faced the problem of finding the right sounds and effects to keep the film from just being random noise rather than having a plot. Todays editing was rather simple as it isn't the first time i have edited a video

editing blog post 1

We used jump cuts mostly. Jump cuts change the story of the intro because it makes the scene less awkward.   This story is about a stalker who captures and teenager. The video clips are om chronological order from when the victim got knocked out to when the stalker bought him food.   We disregarded the original idea because once we started filming we saw that it would be better to follow a story where the victim didn't die since it wouldn't be as long.    

Blog post Production Diary 1

    Blog Post: Production Diary 1       We Completed the first four scenes that revolve around the stalker preying on his victim making his long-awaited attack!         We all decided on David being the main character (the stalker) and Joshua being the Secondary character (the victim). We also decided disregarding the idea of a detective being in the film, and David wearing his famous hat.         When we excluded the plan of having David(the protagonist) wearing a hat, we had to face the issue of him not blending in as much with his environment and looking suspicious to the people around him. We eventually worked around this Idea, by making David wear bland clothing, so he further blends in the his surroundings.  

Blog post: Sound Used in filming intro

Our film consisted non-edited ambient sounds which helped with adding the lively, but unusual vibe of the film. The ambient sound also allows us to add more realism to the film creating an active mood.   When i was editing i decided to with a humorous vibe that transitions into a devious setting to highlight the change of pace that the film undergoes.

Blog entry video intro camera used

  Blog Entry Video Intro Camera Used       For our film we used the iPhone 15. The iPhone 15 features water, splash, and dust resistance, an A16 bionic chip, a dual advanced camera system, 4k video recording that can range from 24 fps (frames per second) all the way to 60 fps, and a true depth camera.         The battery life of the iPhone 15 is poor, the phone charging and the data transfer speeds are much slower, and the phone features an overheating problem. I would've preferred the phone to have a better battery life in order to get more and proper quality footage.  

Blog Post Lighting

Blog Post Lighting:     When filming, we used ambient lighting from outdoors. Ambient lighting allowed us to set a tone for space, and reduce glares in our filming.       When filming, we used the "cinematic mode" on the iPhone 15. The cinematic mode allowed us to focus more on our characters, whilst still showing the background but slightly blurred.       We did not use any filters to change our lighting. We all agreed on the natural lighting fitting the atmosphere of the film better, and the added on filters taking away the suspenseful feel of the film.  

Blog Post: TB: 6.7 Preliminary Question 1

 The film "We" serves as a poignant exploration of the pervasive issue of stalking in contemporary society, shedding light on its insidious presence amidst the backdrop of everyday life. Through nuanced storytelling and compelling visuals, the film unveils the unsettling reality that stalking often lurks unnoticed, camouflaged within the routines and rhythms of daily existence. By portraying the experiences of both victims and perpetrators, "We" confronts the audience with the uncomfortable truth that this form of harassment can infiltrate any corner of society, transcending boundaries of age, gender, and social status. Through its narrative, "We" not only exposes the prevalence of stalking but also underscores the urgent need for greater awareness and vigilance. By unmasking the subtle signs and behaviors associated with stalking, the film encourages viewers to remain vigilant and proactive in safeguarding themselves and their communities. Ultimately, &qu

Blog Post: TB: 6.7 Preliminary Question 4

  Experimenting with various editing apps was like fine-tuning a musical composition, each adjustment harmonizing with the overarching theme of the film. Incorporating external sounds brought depth and atmosphere, while transitions seamlessly guided the audience through the narrative journey. Every edit was carefully crafted to serve a purpose, enhancing the viewer's experience and reinforcing the film's message. It was a meticulous process, but one that ultimately elevated the final product, transforming it from a mere collection of scenes into a cohesive and impactful work of art.

Blog Post: TB: 6.7 Preliminary Question 3

 Learning to navigate Adobe software was like unlocking a treasure trove of creative possibilities. Each click and keystroke felt like uncovering a new tool or technique to bring the film to life. While the initial struggle may have been daunting, it quickly transformed into an exhilarating adventure, where every challenge was a chance to learn and grow. In the end, mastering Adobe became not just a necessity but an integral part of the joyous process of filmmaking.

log Post: TB: 6.7 Preliminary Question 2

Question 2: This product connects to the audience by establishing a dramatic irony connection by keeping the readers in on information that the characters in the actual story aren't aware of. It can be distributed as a informational film. The target audience of people interested in mystery and thriller, that can be promoted in theaters through billboards, posters and potentially commercials on television. 

Blog Post: TB: 6.7 Preliminary Reflecting on a production

The film We represents the problem of stalking in the modern age and how it goes unnoticed in the daily life. This product connects to the audience by establishing a dramatic irony connection by keeping the readers in on information that the characters in the actual story aren't aware of. It can be distributed as a informational film. As the production of this film went on we learned different ways of getting good angles to add atmosphere to the film. With starting off by only know to hit the record button we transitioned into knowing when to use different camera modes and when to use different zooms aswell. We used different apps to edit the film to fit the theme. We added outer sounds, transitions etc. All the necessities needed to give the film purpose. 

blog post list of technical things

 List of technical things I've learnt to complete this film: I learnt about different types of angles and how they add certain atmosphere to scenes. I've also learnt of various techniques used to make films stand out. Ive used new software that i have  never used before such as Adobe and blogger. These new software's exposed me to the duality of media. The overall fun and struggle of making the film The struggle of using adobe for the first time helped add the fun aspect to creating the film. The inclusion of using an iPhone 15 camera for the first time was also important in making the film. The high quality of the camera was a key factor in the film standing out. As well as smooth editing that comes along with the phone.